Lavra Stories: Ivan Mazepa and Will
After two devastating devastations, Kyiv loses its role as the unifying centre of the principalities of Rus, the Grand Ducal throne. Later, it also loses its role as the church centre of the metropolis of all Rus. The Russian principalities became part of other states. Yes, don't be surprised, because that's how my contemporaries, the descendants of Rus, called themselves - people of Rus, Ros, or Rosych. Our northern neighbours, the Muscovites, stole this name. But you should know that Ukraine is the real Rus' and that civilisation has never completely faded away in it, as they lie about today.But the memory of Rus' glorious past is not enough to build a decent future. What made it possible to revive and create its own statehood? What is the role of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in this? I invite you to learn about this from the direct participants and witnesses of the revival. They passed the baton of time to each other, and their routes are arranged in chronological order.Hetman Ivan Mazepa will tell you about how the enlightenment led to the prosperity of the Hetmanate, why the Lavra was so important to him, about his main concerns and the reasons for his main failure. He is an example of a man of will.If you have not been to the first period, the Princely Age, you should start with him. It began in front of the main entrance to the Lavra, the Holy Gate.