Lavra Stories: St Elijah Murovets and Will
Welcome!Do you know any other monastery, like Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra that would have so many glorified saints? This is one of the three lots of the Mother of God in the Orthodox world. This is also one of the largest monasteries in Europe. It is a constantly living institution that reflects all epochs of our history covering the period of almost one thousand years! At the same time, it sanctifies, influences and gives us the highest senses. This is where the first hospital in our area was opened, the first historical work and first chronicles were written. It is here where one of the largest scriptoriums, later the largest printing house in Ukraine, operated. Its books were distributed to many world countries. Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik was one of the powerful instruments, which for centuries, influenced the formation of what is called the "soul of the people". Father Superiors of the monastery, Yelysey Pletenetskyi and Petro Mohyla, laid the foundation of the national revival. Lavra gave start to Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.Adventures await you in three historical periods. And this is the first of them, associated with Princely era.Each historical period has four routes presented by its guide. Each guide has his special story, and looks as if he has personified himself with one of the powerful manifestations of Lavra's existence - Faith, Will, Mind, and Creativity associated with the four sides of the flourishing Lavra's cross.I am Theodosius of Pechersk, and I will tell you about Faith, the birth of the monastery, its founder, St. Anthony, monastic vows, what the daily life of a monk consists of and what it is aimed at.Venerable Ilya Muromets will tell you about Will, how and why the glorious warrior and prince came to the monastery, and why monks struggled.Reverend Nestor, the Chronicler, the father of domestic historical science, will tell you about Mind, the inspiration of the historian, formation of the monastery, the role of Antony and Theodosius of Pechersk.Reverend Alipius, Icon Painter of the Caves, will aquaint you wth the Creativity, Beauty and its Source, the meanings of art, the monastic architectural wonders of the Princely era. If you are ready to follow the road of Will – click on the button below!
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